NETconsent is proud to announce the release of NETconsent v4.10

NETconsent is proud to announce the immediate release of NETconsent Version 4.10. This release includes a number of new features and functional enhancements, which make this version a major milestone.

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NETconsent is proud to announce the release of NETconsent Version 4.10 This release includes new features and functional enhancements, which make this version a major milestone.

This post details the new functionality which has been added to v4.10 of NETconsent.

If you are an existing customer and would like to upgrade to v4.10 please contact us at

New functionality

Direct Content Presentation

Direct Content Presentation (DCP) offers an advanced way of presenting users with unlimited content and supporting information. DCP significantly extends the existing NETconsent Policy Management Centre functionality by enabling organisations to present HTML, PDF and graphical content, as well as in-house developed or externally hosted eLearning modules in a smart and simpler way.   Internal Associated Documents open in the new tabbed interface on the same pop up window, enabling one-click navigation between related entities such as policies, procedures, standards, guidelines and user awareness content.

There are no limitations on the types of files that can be displayed with this version, with direct upload available for any type of file. Adding a document this way negates the need to click on links, instead it will open automatically when the document is opened from the PMC.

File Types

A considerable enhancement has been made with the ability to add unlimited file types within NETconsent, rather than being limited to the traditional HTML editor and PDF documents. This enhancement moves away from the constraints of read only documents, and instead allows editable documents such as Word/Excel/PDF templates, forms and process flow maps to be handled slickly.

Technical Administrators can enable/disable different file types depending on those used within each organisation.  By default, newly added file types will be classed as ‘unsafe’, meaning that NETconsent will pass the file through to the operating system to open, ensuring that NETconsent’s unique enforcement functionality cannot be compromised.

This means that organisations can now directly upload Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, Flash, Audio or Video content into NETconsent.  Unsafe file types will be launched using the native application.

 Direct Link

Direct Link is a new feature that allows documents within NETconsent to be opened directly without having to open up NETconsent first, so from a link on an intranet site or via an email for example. The link intelligently launches NETconsent and presents the user with the document that is applicable them, dependant on their role/group membership. The latest active version of the document is always presented, ensuring that there is no longer a risk of legacy links on Intranets or other uncontrolled documents to superseded versions.

New SSRS reports

All the reports within NETconsent have been converted from Crystal reports to SSRS, this provides a more granular auditing report system.  Additional reports have also been created and added to enhance the reports already available. 

New Language Support

Whilst NETconsent has always been able to deliver content in any language, the end user interface is now also available in French, German and Polish, in addition to the existing Arabic, Spanish, Swedish and Dutch languages.  Translation to more languages will follow shortly.

Dominic Saunders, CEO at NETconsent commented “This release is one of the biggest steps forward for NETconsent and clearly demonstrates our stated commitment to ongoing development.  All of new features and functionality have been developed as a result of feedback from our customers around the world.   Our clients recognise that compliance is not a “tick-in-the-box” reactive task but requires a proactive and holistic approach.  By using NETconsent as a centralised repository for all compliance related material, both internal users as well as third parties can be given access authorised material at the press of a button. ”

Enhanced functionality

Deactivate document alert

When an administrator manually deactivates a document an alert is now presented to confirm this action cannot be undone

Snooze times extended

Customers have the option to enable a snooze button in the end user interface which will close the kiosk and open it later in the day. The available snooze times have been enhanced to include, 4, 8 or 12 hours.

Examiner questions maximum number extended

Within the examiner module a question pool is available that can hold 2500 questions, exams can now be set to contain 250 questions from the question pool.

All users of NETconsent, especially those using versions prior to v4.9 releases are advised to upgrade to this release as soon as possible.

For a full details of enhancements now available in Version 4.10, please contact us at or on +44 (0)370 013 1600.

More To Explore


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