NETconsent is proud to announce the immediate release of NETconsent Version 5.0. This release includes new features and functional enhancements, which make this version a major milestone.
The major features in this release aim to improve the end user experience, providing a brand new end user interface with new functionality and features to enhance their NETconsent experience.
This post details the new functionality which has been added to Version 5.0 of NETconsent.
If you are an existing customer and would like to upgrade to V5.0 please contact us at
New functionality
New End user interface
The end user interface (NETconsent kiosk) has been totally re-written, displaying new icons,refreshed views and introducing a brand new dashboard screen giving end users a simple summary and overview of their compliance progress.
There has also been 3 new views introduced within the end user interface, displaying outstanding content in a list view or small or large grid view. These can be set by default by administrators or overwritten by the end user.
PMC Branding
Organisations now have the ability to set different branding colours to the end user interface to reflect corporate colours. Giving the end user interface a more corporate identity and look/feel.
Visibility of action buttons
Within the end user interface, when content is opened the action buttons will not be visible at the bottom of the screen. The buttons will only appear once the user has scrolled through and reached the end of any content, a green bar at the bottom of the content will move from left to right to show how far the user is through the content.
Resuming progress
In the new kiosk users will be able to read through content and stop, leave the kiosk and go back into the same piece of content and resume where they left off. A new message will display upon their return asking if they would like to resume from where they left off or start over. This makes it much easier for end users to consume content in bite size chunks and improve absorption of the content.
Audio & Video content pausing
Audio and video content can be accessed from the associated document tabs, which provide supporting material for any core content. If the users clicks to a different tab, the video or audio content will pause and will resume when they return to it.
Actioning of associated documents
When a end user accesses any associated documents that have been set as enforced, thereby requiring a user to accept it, they will now be able to action it when opened as an Associated Document.
New associated documents location
The associated documents location has been moved from a drop-down list to an icon that is displayed on the right hand side of the screen, it will display a flashing icon with a number, representing how many associated documents are available.
When the new icon is clicked on a column will slide out displaying the associated documents for easy access to the end user.
When associated documents are opened, they will appear across the top of the screen in tabs that can be moved between easily.
Inbuilt end user interface PDF viewer
As part of the new PMC an inbuilt PDF reader has now been incorporated into the application. Therefore Adobe or 3rd party add on is no longer required to open PDF documents from NETconsent.
New items displaying in the end user interface
Any ‘New’ items (those not previously opened by the user) in the end user interface are now flagged with a star icon, when this is hovered over the word ‘New’ will be displayed. This makes new content identifiable for the end user.
Voluntary documents available in the end user kiosk
Voluntary documents that are optional for a end user to accept can now be viewed from the NETconsent kiosk when accessed from the end users desktop.
Policy folder search available in policy manager admin center
A new search option has been added to the NETconsent admin site that provides the admin user the ability to search for any content in Policy Manager. Once searched on a list of potential content will be displayed and the user can select the content they wish to navigate to and will be taken directly there. This is a time saving feature for customers who hold a large number of documents.
Enhanced functionality
New file types in informer
New file types have now been added to Informer. Organisations can now push out a PDF or Video as an Informer Message rather than just HTML. Enhancing the communication tool in NETconsent.
Multiple associated documents
Associated documents allow organisations to link supporting content to core documents, this has been enhanced so multiple Associated Documents can be linked at once easing the administrative workload.
Advanced Multi-lingual support
NETconsent has been advanced for multi-lingual use, including previewing content that has been uploaded in multiple languages, titles of content is now multi-lingual, including disclaimers presented within the end user interface.
Unique acceptance disclaimers for different document types
An Acceptance Disclaimer is presented within the end user interface at the end of any enforced content, this can now be set for specific document types, this is especially relevant when users are being issued policies, training and multiple forms of content. It can also be turned on and off as required.
Document printing controls enhanced
Customers can now set to allow document printing against specific content. Therefore you can allow printing on one document, whilst not allowing it on a different one.
Multiple policy authors introduced
Customers can now add multiple email addresses in for the organisations Policy Authors/Managers, upon review dates, more than one user can be notified and receive any queries around the document.
My History – historic document message
Within the end user interface users can access my history that displays all content the user has previously actioned, this can show old versions of content. If an previous version is opened from My History, a clear warning is now shown to advise the document is historic and the document is marked as historic.
Disable snooze timings
The end user interface allows users to snooze the kiosk for periods of time, customers can now remove certain Snooze timings if required (i.e. you can disable the Snooze for 8 & 12 Hours etc.).
Search indexing on word, excel and PowerPoint content for advanced search
Any new style Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents (.docx, .xlsx & .pptx) are now fully indexed upon upload so the content can be searched on from the end user interface. This enables users to locate content easily using the advanced search feature.
Documents for review report enhanced
Within NETconsents comprehensive reporting tool, the existing Documents for Review report has been enhanced so administrators can now run the report to display documents which have no review date set to ensure all documents have review dates in place.
Out of service changes immediate
If an administrator sets any content to out of service, which allows them to pause live content, upon saving the change the content will disappear from the Active documents in the end user interface. This ensures that a user will never be able to access any content that has been paused for any reason
PMC settings cleaned up
In Site Administration, settings that are no longer relevant with the new end user interface have been removed. You can no longer show the end user how long they took to read a document (Show Seconds in User Manager PMC Settings), this field has therefore been removed.
New kiosk languages added
Translation resources have been added for German, French and Dutch languages, so now the end user interface can be set in these languages if required by the end user.
Document review date reminders time extended
The administrator can now be set for an email reminder to go to the relevant policy author 6 months in advance, previously the maximum timescale was 3 months.
Direct link sharing
Within the end user interface document information is available, this include the date the content was activated and who the author is. A new button has been added to allow any user to copy a direct link to the content and share with other users.