NETconsent v5.7.0 release

NETconsent version 5.7.0 has been launched, this is a minor release which includes new and enhanced functionality.

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NETconsent version 5.7.0 has been launched, this is a minor release which includes new and enhanced functionality, including a new Chromium Kiosk.

New functionality

New Chromium Kiosk

A new NETconsent kiosk based on Chromium technology has been introduced. Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime and .NET 4.8 are required to run the new Chromium Kiosk.   The WebView2 Runtime prerequisite will be automatically installed as part of the NETconsent Endpoint Agent setup if required.   The Chromium Kiosk is only supported on Windows 10 and above.

Enhanced functionality

Display\Hide “Out of service” content in My History

Functionality has been added to Display or Hide “Out of Service items (content, exams or assessments) in My History.

Manually Created HTML5 Packages

NETconsent now supports the NETconsentStatus JavaScript variable for manually created HTML5 packages, enabling automatic control of the ‘Completed’ button when a user reaches a set endpoint.


More To Explore


NETconsent v5.7.0 release

NETconsent version 5.7.0 has been launched, this is a minor release which includes new and enhanced functionality.


NETconsent v5.5.0 release

NETconsent version 5.5.0 has been launched, this is a minor release which includes new and enhanced functionality.

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